Algorithm to identify patients at low risk

for penicillin/beta-lactam allergy


Your allergist has determined that you are not allergic to the above medication based on at least one of the following criteria:


o   ___ Your history was not concerning for either an immediate or delayed life-threatening reaction.

o   ___ You have passed an oral challenge to the medication.

 You can have this medication in the future if needed.

o   ___ You can have related medications, which are called:

o   ___ You should continue to avoid the following medications:

A form will be sent to the provincial PharmaNet service to remove the allergy label from your record. Please contact the clinic if you have difficulty obtaining the medication (for example, if the Pharmacist is concerned that you still have the allergy). Please contact our clinic if you develop any delayed symptoms (such as rash) in the next week.


If your original reaction consisted of a rash, please be aware that there is a 5-10% chance that you may develop a similar rash (delayed onset, not with the first dose of the medication) with your next full course of the medication. Providing that you do not have any symptoms concerning for life-threatening delayed forms of allergy (skin peeling off, involvement of skin inside of your mouth or eyes, hot/swollen joints, new fever), the medication does not need to be avoided.


Please seek medical attention and then see your primary care provider for a re-referral if you develop the following symptoms with this (or any other) medications:

o   Immediate symptoms (within 1-2 hours of first dose): hives, swelling, problems breathing, vomiting, lethargy/fainting

o    Delayed symptoms: peeling of the skin, changes of the skin inside your mouth or eyes, hot/swollen joints, new fevers (that start after the medication began)