The links below will direct you to helpful allergy and immunology related resources.
Oral Immunotherapy (OIT)
Peanut Oral Immunotherapy in Preschool Aged Children
OIT Radio Interview with Dr. Edmond Chan
Food Allergy Canada OIT Webinar
BC Childrens Hospital OIT Fundraising Page
There are many other peer reviewed academic papers related to OIT studies which are unfortunately placed behind paywalls, and are not readily accessible by the general public.
Allergy Check App
The Allergy Check web optimized mobile app is intended to help patients and parents understand whether specific symptoms may be caused by a food allergy, and whether further advice from an Allergy Specialist is recommended.
Food Allergy Canada educates, supports and advocates for the needs of people living with food allergies and the risk of anaphylaxis. We also support and participate in food allergy research.
Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Canada
The Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (CSACI) advances allergy, asthma and immunology knowledge to optimize patient care across Canada.
Asthma Canada is the only national, volunteer-driven charity, solely devoted to enhancing the quality of life for people living with asthma and respiratory allergies. For more than 40 years, Asthma Canada has proudly served as the national voice for Canadians living with asthma. We empower patients with evidence-based information, education programs and support asthma research in Canada