Contact Dr. V. Cook, Dr. A Cook, Dr. Erdle — Allergy Victoria | Victoria BC

Contact Dr. V. Cook, Dr. A. Cook, Dr. Erdle


130 - 3200 Shelbourne St.
Victoria BC, V8P 5G8

Phone & Fax

Phone: 250-595-7844
Fax: 250-595-3744
Dr. Cook Email:

Contact Info for Dr. Cameron's Clinic is here

Office Hours

We strive to answer our phones between 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Monday to Friday
Closed Holidays

Our phones may not be answered, even if the office is open.

If you are unable to reach us by phone, please email us at

A referral from your primary care physician is required in order for us to book an appointment with you.

Additional information can be found on our Clinic Information page.

Due to current lengthy wait times (28-32 months), Dr. Cook is not currently able to accept non-urgent adult referrals.

If you are a new patient in the wait queue, and feel that your symptoms are significantly worsening, and you do not yet have an appointment booked with us, please see your primary care provider for reassessment.

We are unable to accelerate appointments via phone or e-mail.