COVID-19 Clinic Operations, Dr. Cook

Is it business as usual at the clinic?

No, we have made some significant adjustments to the way the clinic operates in light of COVID-19

1)     Signs have been posted at clinic entrances, restricting entry to the clinic for those displaying any symptoms of COVID-19, or those who have travelled out of the country in the last 14 days.

2)     Where possible, appointments are being rebooked to telehealth (video conference) appointments to lessen foot traffic through the clinic.

3)     High contact areas are being cleaned and sterilized throughout the day, and clinic rooms are cleaned thoroughly between patients.

4)     The waiting room seating layout has been adjusted to provide adequate room for social distancing (2 m apart).

I am (or my child is) displaying one of the following symptoms, but I don’t believe it is related to COVID-19.

  • Fever

  • Tiredness

  • Dry cough

  • Aches and pains

  • Nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat

Anyone displaying any of the above symptoms is not currently permitted in the clinic, regardless of whether COVID-19 is suspected or not. The Ministry of Health is asking anyone with symptoms to stay home for 14 days. Patients are encouraged to utilize the BC COVID-19 Symptom Self-Assessment Tool ( for further instructions.

I don’t feel comfortable attending my in-person appointment, even though I have confirmed it. Will I be charged a cancellation fee if I cancel within 24 hours of my confirmed in-person appointment?

We’re aware that information related to the coronavirus outbreak, as well as individual patient situations, are changing rapidly. If you are booked for an in-person visit that cannot be accommodated by telehealth, cancellation fees will be waived if you need to cancel.

All patients who have in-person appointments are being transitioned to telehealth appointments where possible.

The BC Center for Disease control suggests “the spread of novel coronavirus occurs with sustained close contact with an affected individual, for example, sitting in a car on a long trip, or living in the same household. Grocery stores – which are open and where people tend to walk around – are unlikely places to allow for virus spread.”

Patients who are required to spend an extended amount of time in the clinic (Oral Food Challenge, or Oral Immunotherapy appointments) will be provided with an exam room for the portioned of the appointment where they are required to remain for observation.

If you have ongoing concerns about managing your allergy care during the COVID-19 pandemic, a telehealth consultation to discuss directly with your Allergist can be arranged by contacting reception by phone or email.

I am on immunotherapy, what do I do?

If you aren’t displaying symptoms of COVID-19, haven’t been travelling out of country in the last 14 days, and haven’t been in contact with any one who has tested positive for COVID-19, you can visit the clinic for your immunotherapy appointment.

If you do not wish to attend, or are unable to attend your appointment, due to COVID-19 concerns, please call the clinic to arrange for a time discuss your specific situation further with Dr. Cook via telehealth.

I think I may have COVID-19, or have been exposed to COVID-19, can you complete testing at the clinic?

No, the clinic does not have the resources to complete testing. Please use the symptom self assessment tool (, and follow the provided next steps.

Where can I get more information on COVID-19?

Visit the BC Center for Disease Control COVID-19 website here:

Common questions related to COVID-19 are answered here: